Category: Pests

  • Drain Flies: Understanding, Eliminating, and Preventing Infestations

    Drain flies may seem insignificant, but their presence can quickly become a nuisance if left unaddressed. In this article, we will delve into the world of drain flies, exploring their characteristics, causes, and methods for eradication and prevention. By understanding these tiny pests, you can maintain a pest-free environment in your home or business. Drain…

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  • Dealing with Rats in Your Drains

    First off, how do you know it’s rats? (Unless you’ve seen them, of course). Let’s begin by identifying the problem, then finding out where and how these pests are getting in from, and getting rid of them for good! Signs of Rats in Drains Some Indications of Rat Activity in Drains are: Visual Evidence Auditory…

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  • Pests from Drains

    A Guide to Identifying and Preventing Common Drainage Pest Issues In this section of Drain Hub we will cover pests. Specifically unwanted rodents, insects and other critters that may come from your drains. There are numerous reasons you may find pests in and around your home, and unfortunately, your drains can be a source. These…

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