Category: External Drain Care

  • Best Tools for unblocking drains

    Best Tools for Drain Care and Unblocking

    The best tool to use for a blocked drain, be it toilet, sink or manhole, will depend on the type and severity of the blockage. Here we will break them down by the most effective tools specific to the problem. Toilets The best tool to use for a blocked toilet is a plunger. A plunger…

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  • How To Install a Soakaway in Your Garden (UK)

    Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to install a soakaway in your garden in the UK: Table of contents This guide covers the basics of installing a soakaway, assuming the necessary checks and measurements have already been established. If you’re still working out if you need a soakaway or where to place it, how big…

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  • How To Clear an Outside Drain (Kitchen Gully)

    There are two kinds of outside drains, with the easiest and most commonly blocked one being the kitchen gully.  These can be prone to collecting not only the things that accumulate from the outside, such as leaves and litter, but also the things that build up from kitchen use, such as things like food waste,…

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  • Common Causes of Blocked Drains

    There are many, many causes of blocked drains and identifying the cause of your blockage can help resolve and often minimise repeat problems.  In no particular order of severity, here are some of the most common causes of blockages affecting toilets, sinks, manhole chambers, etc. Fats, oils & grease Wipes – Even “flushable” products! Excessive…

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